Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Throwing myself across the Atlantic (or am I being pulled?)

It's 1. I still haven't put a single thing into my backpack and I leave for Europe at 7. I'm pretty sure that I'll see the sun come up this morning.

Tom and I have been planning this trip for quite some time now. If you would have asked us a few months ago where we are going, we would have told you about this trip that would have began in Hong Kong, taken us up to Tibet, down through Nepal and had us end up in northern India. If you would have asked us why, I don't think you'd have received a definitive answer (other than Tom saying something about connecting to the immortal Chi of the universe through meditating in the Himalayas with the Yaks -- or me saying that I just need to get away from life for a while).

Well, now we have turned our eyes to the Old World. Europe came into the picture as the political situation in Nepal deteriorated and our departure date got pushed from may to July. It could have been a girl or something too, but now I've come to realize that where we are going is not as important as the potential we have to learn something about ourselves and this ever smaller earth we live on.

Ask us why we're going, we'll still give you the same answer -- I just need to get away from life for a while and Tom will tell you that he will be connecting with an inner essence by meditating over Bach's grave in Leipzig. But the truth is, we haven't yet discovered our purpose in going abroad. I can't even justify the money I'm about to spend and the responsibilities I had to shirk to pull away for over a month.

So, we are going to Europe in a couple hours. I still don't know why. But if this trip doesn't change me in some serious way, I will be disappointed.

Signing off...

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